
Perfectly Straight

We use a highly sophisticated laser measuring system. It’s incredibly accurate, because it uses laser technology to insure manufacturers’ alignment specifications. 


Identical Match

There’s nothing worse than a car panel that looks like it’s been repainted. Our technicians are extremely fussy when it comes to matching paint. Real nit-pickers. They mix paints and spray test cards until the colour is precise. 



Eco-friendly Painting

We’re pretty proud of the incredibly high-tech downdraft paint booths at Doug’s Place. Special filtration grids in the floor have been installed for our eco-friendly waterborne paint system, just another way we’re contributing to a cleaner environment.


Hidden Parts

When our technicians replace a panel or a part in your vehicle, the attention to detail extends to the stuff you don’t see. Like the edges hidden by trim, rubber seals and mouldings. Nit-picky? Yes..... But necessary to get your car looking like it did when it came from the factory.


Bolt by Bolt

Our technicians don’t rest until all the details are taken care of. So removing panels and parts is done bolt by bolt and replaced just as carefully. Then, each bolt is painted to remove any marks made by the wrench. Your vehicle is restored to showroom condition.